Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Basic Exorcism

So, if you know anything about demons, you know that you need to rid them of the host to get rid of them.

But how do you rid them of the host?

Exorcisms, my friend. Many kinds for many situations. We'll go over the basic exorcism today.

Here's the exorcism:

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica

Let's break it down, shall we?

Exorcizamus te - We exorcise you; Obviously, we're gonna exorcise this demon today.
Omnis immundus spiritus - every impure spirit; Demons are normally classified as "impure spirits."
Omnis satanica potestas - every satanic power; Demons are VERY Satanic, if you ask me.
Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii - every incursion of the infernal adversary; Against every will in your world…
Omnis legio - every legion; Every legion of your world…
Omnis congregatio - All assemblies; Every assembly of your world…
Et secta diabolica - and devilish schools; Since latin >> english is a rough translation, "schools" would serve as "lessons" or "teachings."

And that's how it ends. There're bigger, longer, more complicated ones out there… we'll get to them eventually. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Freaky Serial Football Deaths - Three In One Week

Potential Case - Three deaths in high school football. I know, I know, could be normal, if all of the victims didn't die over the span of one week.

Demario Harris Jr.
Died Sunday (September 28) after collapsing on field the Friday before
Attended Henderson High School in Troy, Alabama
Injury to the brain

Tom Cutinella
Died Wednesday (October 1)
Attended Shoreham-Wading River High School in New York
Injury to the brain

Isaiah Langston
Died Friday (September 26)
Attended Rolesville High School in North Carolina
Injury to the brain

Am I the only one seeing a pattern here? I mean, I'm only doing surface research, but I'm looking at "Injury to the brain." If you wanna take on this case, you might want to check and see if there are any closer relations.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mysterious Death of Family of Five in Utah

New Case?

A family of 5 was found dead in their home on the weekend of September 27th and 28th. There were no visible wounds and officials have ruled out "foul play."

So what are you guys thinking? Possession maybe?

My fellow hunters in Utah, some of you guys wanna go check this out? This seems like it might be our kind of thing.

Salt - More Uses Than You'd Think

Salt. We, as humans, use it to flavor our dinner or melt ice on frozen roads. But in the hunting community, there are other uses for it that may come in handy while you're out saving humanity in all it's glory.

1. Salt lines/circles

Have a demon problem you can't sort out on the spot? Get the salt. Now, you might need a container or two, but if you line the doorways and windows with the stuff you'll keep the bad guys out of the area. Seriously. There's no crossing that stuff.

And what if the demon/spirit/whatever-the-Hell's-after-me is already in the room? Or maybe you just want a more compact space? Put it down in a circle and get inside. Just make sure you have your supplies with you, because once you step outide the ring you're completely vulnerable.

Tip: Make sure you have a thick line, because even the paranormal have their standards. If you used two restaraunt packets of salt to lay your line, try again. You'd be dead in a minute or less.

2. Salt Bullets

Yes, it's true you can't kill a supernatural being just by shooting it. But you can load a gun with it and fire away. It'll slow what you're fighting and give you an advantage. Just make sure you use rock salt.

"Get the Hell off my property before I shoot you so full of rock salt you'll crap margaritas." ~ Bobby Singer

3. Salt 'n Burn, baby!

Well, you've found the source of the hauntings, now what? I'll probably write a full guide on this later, but what you wanna do is what I and many hunters call "Salt and burn." You need to smother the bones in salt, and yes, this will require a little grave digging. Then just burn it up. This little activity should rid your location of whatever's causing the trouble.

Tip: I'm gonna say it twice. Smother the damn thing in salt. I'm telling you, better safe than sorry.

So yes, you might be spending a crap ton of money on salt, but it's worth it. Trust me on this one.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hey, there. Welcome to the Unofficial Online Hunter's Guide. Here, I'll give you pointers, tips, guides, updates, and other stuff like that about hunting. You can call me Sparks.

A bit about me, I've been minor hunting for about a year. I'm sixteen. I'm full of tips and information about hunting and the supernatural.

I first started hunting by interest in the subject. I've always loved the topic and idea of ghosts and the paranormal, so I figured this was right up my alley. Likewise, Halloween is my favorite holiday. I have a keen interest in abandoned places.

So what is hunting?

Hunting is the act and art of ridding the world of the evil. But Sparks, you're asking, it can't be that difficult, can it? 

Well, little reader, let me tell you that it is much more difficult than laying a salt line and shooting a ghost in the head. For one thing, you can't shoot ghosts in the head. But that's not my point.

There are curses, exorcisms, traps, and more. So many different selections to pick from, but only one route is the right way.

So let me answer your question with a question. Are you gonna go improvise and accept a 500% higher chance of losing your life to something that's already dead, or are you going to learn how to fight before entering the battle?